Hello, Hello!

Hello there new friend! We are Gabe and Rachel, the duo behind The Jazzed Kitchen. We started this little ditty as a way to share our love of cooking with all of you. For us, the kitchen is a place to relax and unwind after a crazy day (or days in Gabe’s case) at work. We truly enjoy cooking and it’s been one way for us to connect with each other over the years (eleven years to be exact). The first few years of dating we were so broke which meant going to dinner wasn’t an option. Our dates were nights at home cooking and eating dinner instead of going to a restaurant. Funny story, for 2-3 years in beginning of our relationship, if Gabe was cooking you could almost guarantee that it was going to be either spaghetti or beef stew with a side of broccoli salad. If it was hot out then it was likely grilled chicken thighs over a broccoli salad. What can he say, he’s a simple guy and he knows what he likes. He saw food as a solution to a problem: he was hangry and he needed something healthy and filling, pronto. I, on the other hand, saw food as an art form. I loved to experiment with elaborate and challenging recipes that took a lot of time and energy (and, consequently, dishes) to prepare.Not an easy task in a 200 sqft studio apartment. Overtime we blended our styles, he experimented more and I aimed to find dishes that didn’t make our 10 sqft kitchen look like a tornado ripped through it.    

Our recipes are centered around real food ingredients. We don’t necessarily prescribe to a specific “diet” or way of eating but rather we eat what makes us feel good. Most of the time that looks like vegetables, proteins, fruits, and nuts/seeds but every so often a cocktail, sweet treat, gluten-full pizza, or burrito is just the ticket. We also tend to cook meals that make for great leftovers because ain’t nobody in our house got time to go to the store and cook every night.

We believe that cooking should be fun and easy, something you look forward to doing. We know that not everyone feels like we do, in fact most of the time we get eye rolls from our friends when we tell them how much we love it. To them, cooking is a daunting task that has to be done (or avoided entirely thanks to home delivered meals and takeout). Our goal is to help you turn cooking into an activity you get to do instead of a chore you have to do. We are excited to share our recipes and wellness articles with you and we hope that it inspires you to build a more positive relationship with your kitchen.  So, without further adieu welcome to The Jazzed Kitchen, we hope you enjoy your time here!

Cheers to you and happy cooking!

-Gabe and Rachel

One Comment

  1. Granny J

    I love to cook and bake as well, though my repertoire is more comfort than healthy. I look forward to updating my recipes w/healthier choices.

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