Oh hi there, remember us? We know, we know we’ve neglected our poor little blog for far too long but we promise we have a great excuse. You see, we’ve been working overtime cooking up something very special but we weren’t quite ready to share it with you all, until now. The Jazzed Kitchen is growing and we are adding a little sous chef to our team in May 2020. Yep, I am pregnant with our little BOY!! We’ve been waiting a long time for this little guy and are overjoyed that we get to become parents.
This pregnancy has been quite the experience so far and while I’d love to say it’s been the most magical experience that would be a lie. The first 14 weeks were incredibly rough and not something I am eager to repeat. I was hit hard by morning sickness and, I can tell you from experience, that throwing up several times a day for weeks on end is about as far from magical as one can get. At our 8-week ultrasound I actually prayed that we were having twins (we aren’t) so that I’d only have to do the pregnant thing once. When you are that sick food is the last thing you want to think about and I basically survived off toast, butter pasta, bone broth, and Saltines. Bland, bland, bland. I was expecting to be in pregnancy bliss but instead I felt like I had the world’s worst hangover day after day after day. Try being that sick and then working on a blog that is all about food. Nope, not going to happen! Poor Gabe had to make some really interesting meals for himself because the smell of anything cooking also made me sick. I encouraged him to work any overtime shifts he could get so he didn’t have to suffer along side me. Day after day I’d tell myself that I only had a few more weeks until the second trimester then this would be all over and the pregnancy bliss would finally set in. The day someone told me that their severe morning sickness lasted the whole pregnancy I nearly broke out into an uncontrollable sob. Thank God, that was not my journey and a few days into my 14th week I woke up and actually felt good. The room wasn’t spinning and my stomach wasn’t churning. It took another month or so for my brain to fully focus on food and recipe creation but, alas, here we are a little over half way into the pregnancy and we are back! We have been cooking up a storm and have tons of new recipes ready for you guys to try out.
Thank you for being patient with us during our absence. We are ready to get our kitchen nice and messy in order to create all sorts of delicious new content for you all.
Happy Cooking!
So excited you’re cooking again! Enjoy baby girl, looking forward to new recipes wohoo!
Thanks mom! There’s a couple that even you will like 🙂